Our services


We’re Here for You,
All Through the Journey


Many roads lead parents to VA-AS recruitment. It may be a simple conversation with a coach, or your child’s dream of playing for his/her dream team. Whatever the reason, our agency is here to assist your athlete through the different steps of the process.

VA-AS College Recruitment Agency / sports ambitions / sporting ambition / NCAA / U Sports / sport-étude / sport universitaire / bourse / étudiant-athlète / recrutement universitaire / sport-study / university sport / scholarship / student-athlete / university recruitment / VA-AS Recrutement / VA-AS Recrutment / VA-AS Management / study

Our Essential Services
for Student Athletes

Our services cover all aspects of the chosen sports path. Whether it is to study in an American prep school or for recruitment to a Canadian or American University, we will assist you. Some of our essential services include:

  • Reception and sending out report card transcripts.
  • Analysis of report cards to establish credits or courses.
  • Finalize and complete all missing information regarding NCAA Eligibility Center and others if needed.
  • Support the student athlete with all different required exams (SAT, TOEFL, etc.).
  • School classification based on student athlete’s preferences (division, study programs, geographical location, etc.).
  • Detailed analysis of sports alignments, historical conversions to professional athletes and coach’s experience.
  • Preparation of an athletic profile page with information required by universities.
  • Contacting each chosen university according to student athlete’s criteria analysis.
  • Evaluation of scholarship offers.

Financial Support
of University Scholarships

On the financial side, there are many different scholarships and financial aid options, both on the academic and athletic sides. It all depends on the academic and athletic path chosen. It goes from full scholarships that include housing for the student athlete to annual tuition payment as well as other different forms of financial aid. We will be there to help you get the best aid possible. We will also assist you in understanding the options universities offer so that you can make informed decisions.

For more information

Book an appointment with us!